

To be able to use a deep learning model in research and production, it is essential to understand different performance metrics of the model beyond just the model’s accuracy. deeplite-profiler helps to easily and effectively measure the different performance metrics of a deep learning model. In addition to the existing metrics in the deeplite-profiler, users could seamlessly contribute any custom metric to measure using the profiler. deeplite-profiler could also be used to compare the performance between two different deep learning models, for example, a teacher and a student model. deeplite-profiler currently supports PyTorch and TensorFlow Keras (v1) as two different backend frameworks.


1. Install using pip

Use following command to install the package from our internal PyPI repository.

$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install deeplite-profiler[`backend`]

2. Install from source

$ git clone
$ pip install .[`backend`]
One can install specific backend modules, depending on the required framework and compute support. backend could be one of the following values
  • torch: to install a torch specific profiler

  • tf: to install a TensorFlow specific profiler (this supports only CPU compute)

  • tf-gpu: to install a TensorFlow-gpu specific profiler (this supports both CPU and GPU compute)

  • all: to install both torch and TensorFlow specific profiler (this supports only CPU compute for TensorFlow)

  • all-gpu: to install both torch and TensorFlow-gpu specific profiler (for GPU environment) (this supports both CPU and GPU compute for TensorFlow)

3. Install in Dev mode

$ git clone
$ pip install -e .[`backend`]
$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt

To test the installation, one can run the basic tests using pytest command in the root folder.


Currently, we support TensorFlow 1.14 and 1.15 versions, for Python 3.6 and 3.7. We do not support TensorFlow for Python 3.8+.

Minimal Dependencies

  • numpy>=1.17

  • torch (if using PyTorch backend)

  • tensorFlow, tensorFlow-gpu (if using TensorFlow backend)

How to Use

For PyTorch model

# Step 1: Define native pytorch dataloaders and model
# 1a. data_splits = {"train": train_dataloder, "test": test_dataloader}
data_splits = /* ... load iterable data loaders ... */
model = /* ... load native deep learning model ... */

# Step 2: Create Profiler class and register the profiling functions
profiler = TorchProfiler(model, data_splits, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeEvalMetric(get_accuracy, 'accuracy', unit_name='%'))

# Step 3: Compute the registered profiler metrics for the PyTorch Model
profiler.compute_network_status(batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, short_print=False,
                                                include_weights=True, print_mode='debug')

# Step 4: Compare two different models or profilers.
profiler2 = profiler.clone(model=deepcopy(model)) # Creating a dummy clone of the current profiler = "Clone Model", short_print=False, batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, print_mode='debug')

For TensorFlow model

# Step 1: Define native TensorFlow dataloaders and model
# 1a. data_splits = {"train": train_dataloder, "test": test_dataloader}
data_splits = /* ... load iterable data loaders ... */
model = /* ... load native deep learning model ... */

# Step 2: Create Profiler class and register the profiling functions
profiler = TFProfiler(model, data_splits, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeEvalMetric(get_accuracy, 'accuracy', unit_name='%'))

# Step 3: Compute the registered profiler metrics for the TensorFlow Keras Model
profiler.compute_network_status(batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, short_print=False,
                                                include_weights=True, print_mode='debug')

# Step 4: Compare two different models or profilers.
profiler2 = profiler.clone(model=model) # Creating a dummy clone of the current profiler = "Clone Model", short_print=False, batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, print_mode='debug')

Output Display

An example output of the deeplite-profiler for resnet18 model using the standard CIFAR100 dataset using PyTorch backend, looks as follows

|                    Neutrino Model Profiler                    |
|             Param Name (Original Model) |                Value|
|                   Backend: TorchBackend |                     |
|                   Evaluation Metric (%) |              76.8295|
|                         Model Size (MB) |              42.8014|
|     Computational Complexity (GigaMACs) |               0.5567|
|             Total Parameters (Millions) |              11.2201|
|                   Memory Footprint (MB) |              48.4389|
|                     Execution Time (ms) |               2.6537|
  • Evaluation Metric: Computed performance of the model on the given data

  • Model Size: Memory consumed by the parameters (weights and biases) of the model

  • Computational Complexity: Summation of Multiply-Add Cumulations (MACs) per single image (batch_size=1)

  • #Total Parameters: Total number of parameters (trainable and non-trainable) in the model

  • Memory Footprint: Total memory consumed by parameters and activations per single image (batch_size=1)

  • Execution Time: On NVIDIA TITAN V GPU, time required for the forward pass per single image (batch_size=1)


A list of different examples to use deeplite-profiler to profiler different PyTorch and TensorFlow models can be found here.

Torch Example

from neutrino_torch_zoo.wrappers.wrapper import get_data_splits_by_name, get_model_by_name
from neutrino.framework.torch_profiler.torch_profiler import TorchProfiler
from neutrino.framework.torch_profiler.torch_profiler import *
from neutrino.framework.profiler import Device, ComputeEvalMetric
from neutrino.framework.torch_profiler.torch_inference import get_accuracy
from copy import deepcopy

# Step 1: Define pytorch dataloaders and model
# 1a. data_splits = {"train": train_dataloder, "test": test_dataloader}
data_splits = get_data_splits_by_name(dataset_name='cifar100',

# 1b. Load the Pytorch model
model = get_model_by_name(model_name='resnet18',

# Step 2: Create Profiler class and register the profiling functions
data_loader = TorchProfiler.enable_forward_pass_data_splits(data_splits)
profiler = TorchProfiler(model, data_loader, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeEvalMetric(get_accuracy, 'accuracy', unit_name='%'))

# Step 3: Compute the registered profiler metrics for the PyTorch Model
profiler.compute_network_status(batch_size=1, device=Device.GPU, short_print=False,
                                                include_weights=True, print_mode='debug')

# Step 4: Clone and Compare
profiler2 = profiler.clone(model=deepcopy(model)) = "Clone Model", short_print=False, batch_size=1, device=Device.GPU, print_mode='debug')

Output of the above code is as follows:

Computing network status...

                 Layer ()         Weight Shape      Bias Shape         Output Shape    ActivationSize (Bytes)       # Params      Time (ms)
                 Conv2d-1        [64, 3, 3, 3]            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144          1,728         0.6216
            BatchNorm2d-2                 [64]            [64]    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144            128         0.1142
                 Conv2d-3       [64, 64, 3, 3]            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144         36,864         0.1574
            BatchNorm2d-4                 [64]            [64]    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144            128         0.0937
                 Conv2d-5       [64, 64, 3, 3]            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144         36,864         0.1509
            BatchNorm2d-6                 [64]            [64]    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144            128         0.0913
             BasicBlock-7                 None            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144              0         0.0839
                 Conv2d-8       [64, 64, 3, 3]            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144         36,864         0.1223
            BatchNorm2d-9                 [64]            [64]    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144            128         0.0908
                Conv2d-10       [64, 64, 3, 3]            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144         36,864         0.1450
           BatchNorm2d-11                 [64]            [64]    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144            128         0.0894
            BasicBlock-12                 None            None    [[1, 64, 32, 32]]                   262,144              0         0.1090
                Conv2d-13      [128, 64, 3, 3]            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072         73,728         0.1042
           BatchNorm2d-14                [128]           [128]   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072            256         0.0877
                Conv2d-15     [128, 128, 3, 3]            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072        147,456         0.1416
           BatchNorm2d-16                [128]           [128]   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072            256         0.0863
                Conv2d-17      [128, 64, 1, 1]            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072          8,192         0.1125
           BatchNorm2d-18                [128]           [128]   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072            256         0.0849
            BasicBlock-19                 None            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072              0         0.0732
                Conv2d-20     [128, 128, 3, 3]            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072        147,456         0.1125
           BatchNorm2d-21                [128]           [128]   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072            256         0.0882
                Conv2d-22     [128, 128, 3, 3]            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072        147,456         0.1407
           BatchNorm2d-23                [128]           [128]   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072            256         0.0861
            BasicBlock-24                 None            None   [[1, 128, 16, 16]]                   131,072              0         0.0765
                Conv2d-25     [256, 128, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536        294,912         0.1161
           BatchNorm2d-26                [256]           [256]     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536            512         0.0868
                Conv2d-27     [256, 256, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536        589,824         0.1357
           BatchNorm2d-28                [256]           [256]     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536            512         0.0911
                Conv2d-29     [256, 128, 1, 1]            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536         32,768         0.1161
           BatchNorm2d-30                [256]           [256]     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536            512         0.0896
            BasicBlock-31                 None            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536              0         0.0737
                Conv2d-32     [256, 256, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536        589,824         0.1066
           BatchNorm2d-33                [256]           [256]     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536            512         0.0861
                Conv2d-34     [256, 256, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536        589,824         0.1276
           BatchNorm2d-35                [256]           [256]     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536            512         0.0856
            BasicBlock-36                 None            None     [[1, 256, 8, 8]]                    65,536              0         0.0825
                Conv2d-37     [512, 256, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768      1,179,648         0.1166
           BatchNorm2d-38                [512]           [512]     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768          1,024         0.1233
                Conv2d-39     [512, 512, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768      2,359,296         0.1392
           BatchNorm2d-40                [512]           [512]     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768          1,024         0.0861
                Conv2d-41     [512, 256, 1, 1]            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768        131,072         0.1197
           BatchNorm2d-42                [512]           [512]     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768          1,024         0.0858
            BasicBlock-43                 None            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768              0         0.0725
                Conv2d-44     [512, 512, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768      2,359,296         0.1118
           BatchNorm2d-45                [512]           [512]     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768          1,024         0.0861
                Conv2d-46     [512, 512, 3, 3]            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768      2,359,296         0.1359
           BatchNorm2d-47                [512]           [512]     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768          1,024         0.0889
            BasicBlock-48                 None            None     [[1, 512, 4, 4]]                    32,768              0         0.0758
                Linear-49           [100, 512]           [100]           [[1, 100]]                       400         51,300         0.1304
                ResNet-50                 None            None           [[1, 100]]                       400              0         0.0515

|                    Neutrino Model Profiler                    |
|             Param Name (Original Model) |                Value|
|                   Backend: TorchBackend |                     |
|                   Evaluation Metric (%) |              76.8295|
|                         Model Size (MB) |              42.8014|
|     Computational Complexity (GigaMACs) |               0.5567|
|             Total Parameters (Millions) |              11.2201|
|                   Memory Footprint (MB) |              48.4389|
|                     Execution Time (ms) |               2.6537|

TensorFlow Example

import numpy as np
import TensorFlow as tf
except Exception:

from neutrino.framework.tf_profiler.tf_profiler import TFProfiler
from neutrino.framework.tf_profiler.tf_profiler import *
from neutrino.framework.profiler import Device, ComputeEvalMetric
from neutrino.framework.tf_profiler.tf_inference import get_accuracy, get_missclass

# Step 1: Define TensorFlow dataloaders and model (
# 1a. data_splits = {"train": train_dataloder, "test": test_dataloader}
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.cifar100.load_data()
x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255
x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255
y_train = np.eye(100)[y_train.reshape(-1)]
y_test = np.eye(100)[y_test.reshape(-1)]
train_dataset =, y_train)) \
        .shuffle(buffer_size=x_train.shape[0]) \
test_dataset =, y_test)) \
data_splits = {'train': train_dataset, 'test': test_dataset}

# 1b. Load the TensorFlow Keras model: Transfer learning from pretrained model
preprocess_input = tf.keras.applications.mobilenet_v2.preprocess_input#tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input
base_model = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(input_shape=(32, 32, 3),
inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(32, 32, 3))
x = preprocess_input(inputs)
x = base_model(x, training=False)
x = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.2)(x)
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(100)(x)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
model.compile(loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(), optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(), metrics=['accuracy'])

# Step 2: Create Profiler class and register the profiling functions
data_loader = TFProfiler.enable_forward_pass_data_splits(data_splits)
profiler = TFProfiler(model, data_loader, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeEvalMetric(get_accuracy, 'accuracy', unit_name='%'))

# Step 3: Compute the registered profiler metrics for the TensorFlow Keras Model
profiler.compute_network_status(batch_size=1, device=Device.GPU, short_print=False,
                                                include_weights=True, print_mode='debug')

Output of the above code is as follows:

Computing network status...

Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_2 (InputLayer)         [(None, 32, 32, 3)]       0         
tf_op_layer_tf_op_layer_true (None, 32, 32, 3)         0         
tf_op_layer_tf_op_layer_sub  (None, 32, 32, 3)         0         
vgg19 (Model)                (None, 1, 1, 512)         20024384  
global_average_pooling2d (Gl (None, 512)               0         
dropout (Dropout)            (None, 512)               0         
dense (Dense)                (None, 100)               51300     

|                    Neutrino Model Profiler                    |
|             Param Name (Original Model) |                Value|
|                      Backend: TFBackend |                     |
|                   Evaluation Metric (%) |               1.0000|
|                         Model Size (MB) |              76.5827|
|     Computational Complexity (GigaMACs) |               0.4185|
|             Total Parameters (Millions) |              20.0757|
|                   Memory Footprint (MB) |              76.6358|
|                     Execution Time (ms) |               3.1892|

Contribute a Custom Metric


If you looking for an SDK documentation, please head over here.

The following section describes a conceptual overview on the workings of deeplite-profiler. This help in adding and/or contributing custom performance metrics while profiling deep learning models. The core of deeplite-profiler is made up of three main classes, Profiler itself, ProfilerFunction and StatusKey. To be able to use a custom profiling metric, the following three steps must be performed:

  1. Create a new StatusKey

  2. Write a ProfilerFunction

  3. Registering with the Profiler

Create a new StatusKey

Consider a custom metric to be profiled. All the properties of this metric are captured in the StatusKey class and its children. From the Profiler’s perspective, think of a StatusKey as a bit more fancy dict entry. Thus, StatusKey requires a hashable key and will be assigned a value after its associated ProfilerFunction computes it. Its hashable key (usually a str) is the class attribute NAME.

Its most used abstract child is the Metric class. A metric object is composed of five methods:

  • description, a string description of the metric to be computed

  • friendly_name, a human friendly name as opposed to the hashable key. For example, Computational Complexity is a human friendly name as opposed to flops being the hashable key.

  • get_units, units for the measuring themetric. For example, the unit of size is bytes, the unit of accuracy is %, and the unit of execution time is seconds

  • get_comparative, a way to compare two metrics together. It captures the sense of better or worse. For example, flops should be smaller, accuracy should be higher. Refer to this enum Comparitive for more information.

  • get_value, how to report the value of the metric, and is often used to take care of the scaling in the value. For example, it might be better to report “1 megabytes” rather than “1000000 bytes”

Understandably, these methods have been designed for displaying and reporting the values in mind. This is essential for achieving and presenting a good, readable output of the profiled metrics.

An example Metric is shown below. A list of other existing Metrics in deeplite-profiler can be here.

class Flops(Metric):
    NAME = 'flops'

    def description():
        return "Summation of Multiply-Add Cumulations (MACs) per single image (batch_size=1)"

    def friendly_name():
        return 'Computational Complexity'

    def get_comparative(self):
        return Comparative.RECIPROCAL

    def get_value(self):
        if self.value > 1e-3:
            return self.value
        if self.value > 1e-6:
            return self.value * 1024
        return self.value * (1024 ** 2)

    def get_units(self):
        if self.value > 1e-3:
            return 'GigaMACs'
        if self.value > 1e-6:
            return 'MegaMACs'
        return 'KiloMACs'

Write a ProfilerFunction

The job of the ProfilerFunction class is to compute the StatusKey. This is a function and therefore a callable which will be called by the Profiler upon a status request. There are two things to know about this object,

  • First, it needs to inform the profiler which StatusKey it is currently computing. A ProfilerFunction can compute more than one StatusKey. This information is provided by the return tuple of its get_bounded_status_key method.

  • Second, its __call__ signature does not have full arbitrary freedom of any callable. Indeed, since the Profiler object does not know in advance which functions it will have, it tries to magically pipe arguments to the correct functions. Therefore, the __call__ signature of a ProfilerFunction instance cannot have *args or **kwargs in it. It is very important to note, that the instance of ProfilerFunction cannot have **kwargs. The emphasis is on the instance because it allows at least to have mid level interfaces that can contain *args and **kwargs since they wont be instantiated.

Some example ProfilerFunction written in PyTorch can be found here and some examples written in TensorFlow can be found here

Registering with the Profiler

A Profiler object is originally empty. One needs to register ProfilerFunction in order to start using it. Registering functions will build the internal dict-like structure that maps StatusKey to ProfilerFunction. The method register_profiler_function also exhibits an optional override parameter. This is to make sure the ProfilerFunction you are currently registering takes precedence over previously registered functions.

For example, a Profiler object is instantiated and all the default functions are registered. In your custom project, you have a special case for computing the model size. You can simply register it with override=True and this will be taken to compute the model size instead. However, this will raise an error if you are registering against another function with override=True over model size since there is now an ambiguous priority clash.

As an example, for using PyTorch a ProfilerFunction can be registered as follows,

profiler = TorchProfiler(model, data_loader, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeComplexity()) # Provide your `ProfilerFunction` here

Compute status

The main method to be implemented is the compute_status, which requires a valid StatusKey an argument and any additional arguments to be passed to the relevant ProfilerFunction. Valid here really just means that there was a function registered where its get_bounded_status_key returned a StatusKey with its NAME being this valid argument.

To compute all the status at once, the class provides the method compute_network_status. This takes an arbitrary dict as **kwargs as argument which are all the arguments to be passed to every ProfilerFunction being called. This is where the limitation mentioned above on the __call__ signature of said function makes sense. Internally, the Profiler does an introspection of the signature through Python’s standard module inspect in order to pipe a portion of this **kwargs to each function. If such a function had also **kwargs, there would be no way to know what portion of the compute_network_status’s **kwargs to pass. The Profiler could not call the function unambiguously.


A popular use case is to compare two different models (for example, a teacher and a student model) and see their relative performance in terms of different metrics. Profiler has the method compare to do just that. It needs another profiler and accepts an additional **kwargs. Internally it will call compute_network_status on both profiler and uses a display function to provide the comparison report.

Please look at some existing examples here showing how to register profiling functions and use them to compute network status.